The approach I choose for our topic, Economics, is Cooperative Learning. Cooperative learning is one of the most thoroughly researched of all instructional methods, stands for the instructional use of small groups that students can work together to maximize both their own and each other’s learning (What is cooperative learning, 2018). Cooperative learning is consist of 5 key elements. The first element is Positive interdependence that a group has a clear goal together and positively depends on each other to benefit all of the group members. Next, individual and group accountability is also an important characteristic that each member should be responsible for a fair contribution of efforts to the group goal. The third element is interpersonal and small group skills, which requires all of the members function as part of the group and provide their competencies such as leadership, communication and conflict management. Forthly, face-to-face promotive interaction means group members share resources and provide them with both academic and emotional support to achieve the mutal goal. The last element is the group processing, standing for group members to feel comfortable and open to communicate, no matter concerns or accomplishments, which is helpful for effective relationship maintenance (Five Basic Elements of Cooperative Learning, 2017). 

Cooperative learning approach aligns well with the Economics topic, since the Economics learning process will be more efficient and easier with the help from others. The reciprocal nature of cooperative learning facilitates learners to demonstrate understanding by sharing and communicating their thoughts with peers, which allows them to receive feedbacks from each other and improve their current knowledge. For example, elasticity contains many different subtypes and students may find it is difficult to identify. If a student is unclear about the concept, they share their confusion with their group members and communicate together to figure out and identify each elasticity diagram instead of struggling with it alone for long time. With the collaboration with group members, the Economics learning process becomes much faster, which enables students to learn and absorb knowledge in a shorter amount of time. 
