Group B’s resource I review:

I chose Group B’s interactive learning resource. Generally speaking, Group B has done an excellent and insightful interactive learning resource, however, there are also chances for them to improve from the design perspective. 

First, I like the general structure of this learning resource since it is well-organized and explicit for learners to navigate to what they want. But I notice all the activities are combined with the main content instead of being in a separate section. It seems to me that it will be much more easier and convenient for learners to review and consolidate if all of the activities could be splited from the main content into one separate section. In this case, learners are able to review all of the activities at once without the need to go to each content topic to seek the activities, which facilitate a more efficient learning way for learners to interact. 

Furthermore, I also like the design of the summative assessment placed at the bottom of the course outline, enabling learners to view and use it to test how much knowledge they have absorbed after finishing learning all the topics in this course. But in my opinion, it could involve more diverse question types. Currently the summative assessment has only short answers. Perhaps considering to involve more question types such as multiple choices, true and false may add up learners’ interest for the assessment, and at the same time to give learners a more comprehensive evaluation and facilitate deeper understanding towards the class content. By this way, deeper understanding will prompt more profound and meaningful critical thinking. Learners will then be able to more effective interaction with the learning content, and make further progress to achieve the learning outcome of using critical thinking to analyze and evaluate the ethical implications of using AI language models.