Group B’s resource I review: I chose Group B’s interactive learning resource. Generally speaking, Group B has done an excellent and insightful interactive learning resource, however, there are also chances for them to improve from the design perspective. First,… Continue Reading →
Video: The video chose shows the type of instructor and student interaction that the whole meeting is held by different speakers speaking to the learners, communicating their thoughts and ideas towards economic impact brought by Covid pandemic with learners,… Continue Reading →
In the blueprint, my learning pods and I have defined several interactive learning activities for learners to better understand and absorb knowledge. Our topic is Economics, and one of effective learning activities is in-class presentation by the whole class, which… Continue Reading →
The approach I choose for our topic, Economics, is Cooperative Learning. Cooperative learning is one of the most thoroughly researched of all instructional methods, stands for the instructional use of small groups that students can work together to maximize both… Continue Reading →
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